Thursday, October 13, 2011

October 13, 2011

   You know there are so many ways God can speak to you! Through pain, happiness, power, worship… SO many ways! And he can bring people to you in such unique ways! For example, I have such wonderful teachers! They are so wise and know their stuff (about God) Like Mrs. Williams last year was there through everything! I remember the day I told her I didn’t have any more health issues she hugged me so tight and told me to run! I was smiling ear to ear of course! That whole class that day she kept smiling at me! I can remember some days I would come in a be really tired and she would make sure I was ok like 50509394839 times! What a sweet lady she is!
   Through her teaching and her great heart I met one of the most amazing girls ever, Katherine Williams! Such an amazing person! So wise and so faithful! I love her so much! I am so not sure how I would be able to make it without my friends like her! God is crazy sometimes on how he gives us people but most of the time it is the best thing that could ever happen!
   This year I have a wonderful Geography teacher who just connects with me! What a wise woman she is! Her daughter is a missionary in Africa and is doing great things for God! Her mothers wisdom helped build her! God provides everything you need… Some days I am just so down then when I go to that class and I am able to talk to her and just tell her about what is going on, I feel better. God gives you people so you can just talk to them! He never has let me go without friends. Even when I thought I was alone I had so many people standing beside me… My savior would be one of them.
   All I am trying to say is that no matter how God puts people into your life, they’re there for a reason and they are going to love you all the way to the end if God has given them to you. Love all the amazing people in my life. Thank you Jesus! 

October 12, 2011

    For all things great come from a great God who sent his son to die for you and erase all of your sins. They are not invisible, they have not just left for a moment to give you a rest… THEY ARE GONE! Vanished into the fire. The pain may still be there from the mistakes but they are only ashes! Let them blow in away in the wind.
   If you think about it sin is a good thing. It teaches you things that you may have never learned through perfection. You may stand with a group of people but in the end you will be alone because if those people aren’t faithful to God what makes you think that they would be faithful to you? If they have never experienced a faithful relationship it is almost positive that they wont change or that they cant be there for you… For me it is I learn by experience! I have to live it all out before I actually understand why it is wrong or something I shouldn’t do.
   Remember when you were little and you would go to McDonalds and they would give you a toy in your happy meal? My mom never let me have mine until I finished eating… Well, lets  say that you really want that toy so you open it up anyway.. Your mom takes it away and you end up with no toy at all! It totally stinks but you understand that you need to obey and listen to your mom… You probably wont open your toy before you eat again will you? You need to do the right thing. But when you make mistakes they make you stronger!
    Strength is something you need to survive! This life gets hard and yes God is going to pull you through but you need to learn to use your own strengths God have given you. He will place pain upon your tray and you will have to rely on him to send you the strength you need!

Who is your provider?
Do you place all of your faith in him?
Do you fully trust him!?
YOU NEED TO! Put everything you are in him!
The God of the universe! 

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

A Love unchangable!

God loves you so much and it is very important that you know that! He doesn't make bad things happen to you but he allows them to. He wants you to search for him and find him! He wants you to see how strong he is compared to your small strengths! He wants you to gain in knowledge of him and how he LOVES you. Throughout life the only thing that should matter is his love and your love for him. It just makes me tingle inside to know that I am loved no matter what! Tears even begin to pour down my face! His love carries me so far and so light! <3 Lord you are all I need.

Friday, October 7, 2011

A verse I'd love to share.

 From Psalms: But you, LORD, are a shield around me,
   my glory, the One who lifts my head high.
4 I call out to the LORD,
   and he answers me from his holy mountain.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Tonight, I attended church with some new friends that I met on facebook. They go to my school but they are older so we had not actually met... But anyways, they are super sweet girls and I already feel like I am apart of a family there. The worship was amazing and so open which is what I need so bad in my life right now... I hold everything in thinking that people will judge me because I raise my hands and get into the music... At this place, everyone looks the same: happy, open and worshiping! I have never been to a more spirit filled place in my whole life. You can feel God in the room and his love surrounding each person as they seek him! Our God always supplies us with what we need when we need it. He doesn't always give us what we want which makes us grow stronger in patience, obedience, and our FAITH! If our God loves us, sinners, so much that he can send his only son to die for us, we need to honor him with our life, bodies and our actions. Your body is a temple of the Lord and your faith is how you share that with other people. BE BOLD! Be confident!

"All men will hate you because of me, but he who stands firm to the end will be saved." Matthew 10:22

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Africa: No Go!

So, it is official. I will not be going to Africa this year. I do believe that God is only preparing me for what is to come and teach me obedience. Through this I have learned that I need to obey my parents and God will bless me once I do that... I'm not going to just stop my missionary acts...I might go to New York! New York is in a great need for God's love and a savior. New York is one of the most populated places in the world... I guarantee that there is at least one family of every race on this planet living in New York City!
   So now I ask for prayer that God will allow this trip to happen. What a great experience it will be to see New York and teaching the word of God to millions of people! I will never stop blogging about my missions.... <3 I love how God is using me!

Keeping the Faith!

This morning me and my dad got in a fight about my trip... I can't seem to convince him of what God is trying to do in my life. I think he is more nervous than anything. I am his only child and he is just afraid of me being gone for so long. I know that nothing will happen to me because I have God right beside me! If it wasn't for God I wouldn't have even considered going on this mission trip. I know that this is what God wants me to do with my life. There is no doubt in my aching little heart! I can still remember the moment i decided that this is what I wanted to do with my life. God easily slipped in and said "Ok! This is the path you will take!"
    I pray that Jesus, my savior, you will soften the heart of my father. Show him what God has showed me. Show him how this is what I need to do. Please! In your name Amen!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Shooting Star!

Tonight as I was sitting with my parents outside I glanced into the sky and saw a shooting star... It's not like they're rare... But at this moment when I was doubting my faith in God to supply what I need and show me his path... one happened to appear! I knew it was God saying "Everything is going to be alright." He is so amazing and even with the simplest of things ,such as a shooting star, he shows us that everything will work out in his plan. We should never worry about tomorrow, he has been there! He knows what will happen. I don't believe God makes bad things happen to us, but when they do he allows them to change us! He makes our faith stronger by pulling us out of our despair! When we are in the deepest of holes, he reaches in and pulls us out!
    If you think of the love he has for us, you should be amazed! No one could ever love you the way he does. And his care! He cares for you so much that he is willing to send you through every sort of trouble just to show you, HE'S THERE! It's an amazing feeling to have a God who loves you.

just a little quote i came up with "I'm a leader not a follower, but I am a follower of THE leader."


My dad is starting to change his mind about this trip. That then makes my mom think about not letting me go either... I know it is God's will and that he wants me there... But without my parents support I may never get there. In order for my parents to let this happen I think I am going to have to raise some money this week and show them how I CAN DO THIS! So if you would like to donate, you can go on my id name is Sarah Choate

The First Day of many.

Well, today I made it a for sure on my first fundraiser. I called my grandpa and asked him if I could use the facility of the church, and of course he said yes! I am so excited. I need to start getting people gathered for the talent show and I need to find someone who has a trailer for hayrides. I can definetely get some of my youthies to help with face-painting! I am so excited. I cannot wait to see how much money and prayer God is going to provide me with. He has never failed me before and he will not now or ever! I know I am meant to be on this trip or he wouldn't have given me such amazing fundraising ideas! I know that a lot of people will show up at this fall fest! I know a lot of people and my school teachers are so excited that they will bring their families who may invite other families! Plus everyone in Chico, the town of the church, know me and love me! I am so not asking for a lot of money at this fundraiser but we will be taking any donations after the talent show. I think I am going to raise the price to $2 for adult and teen stuff. The children over 7 will have to pay $2 as well.
     Come out and support! Dates and time will be posted sometime in the next week. (:

Sunday, October 2, 2011

First Fundraiser!

So, it is fall and a lot of church's are having fall fest! I am think that I should have one too! My grandpa he is a preacher at a church and that church loves me! They have had fall fest in the past but nothing like I am planning. I know that each of the women in the church will be willing to cook or contribute in someway so I dont have to worry about that! I am excited because I know so many people with perfect resources to make this happen and make at least $1000! I was thinking about having a talent show and having each contestant pay $1 to enter! They could show off their talent that God has given them to the community! Hayrides are definitely an option! I know people with trailers and that grow hay! Each family would pay $2! Who likes face-painting? I do! Each child (or adult) could have their face painted for just $1! I think that this could really be successful! There will be no charge for food but we will be taking donations at the end of the talent show if we make this happen. All of the money goes towards missions in Africa and helping me get there! Please give me feedback on what you think about this! Thanks!

A Perfect Message!

This morning my pastor preached the perfect message for me. If it is God's will he will provide what you need to succeed. Throughout these 9 months I will lose faith and worry that things might now work out... But if it is his will for me, he will send me. I know that this is my calling. It has been for about 6 years now. Ever since I was young I knew that I wanted to grow up and be a missionary! I just knew! And for the rest of my life I plan to be a missionary! It is so amazing to see what God is doing through me to reach others. I become overwelmed by the power he holds inside of his hands! I have been on mission trips in the past and it is just so amazing when you see children who don't know Jesus when you first meet them, but throughout your time with them you see a transformation! They become a new person! Their sin is covered by the blood of Jesus and they are saved!
   If you would like to donate to me, go to my ID # is 2658724! Even a dollar helps! Thanks!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

God wrote this

In the midst of my trials, you see my pain, my struggles, and you make a way for me,  I can see where I need to be! You can tell when im lost you’re my God you paid the cost, you, you,
 I need your love I need your help your all I need there’s nothing else. You’re my God!

Change my heart change it now cause you are all I need.
In the dark I find my way, you are my escape. I find all I need in you I find it all in you. You!

Oh you change my heart make it new, make it only and always for you, change my heart make it see, all the things it needs to be. Change my hearts cleanse it now; you can make me over somehow. Make me see, you are everything I need to be change my heart Lord change me.

i was sitting here and just started singing words in a perfect harmony.... I wrote them down. God created a song for me.

For today is new

As I posted last night, I was super worried about getting the money for this trip. I am no longer worried. If God wants me in Africa he will get me there! He will provide me with the money I need and plenty of prayer warriors to lead me through. My God is an awesome God and he always provides for me, no matter what. Even if I do not get the money, he will give me another pathway to follow... I trust in my father for everything. Everytime I feel unloved I think of what Jesus did for me... He gave his perfect life so I, a sinner, could live! If that doesn't make you think, I don't know what will.

Verse that has helped me this week : "Cast all of your anxiety upon the Lord, he cares for you." 1 Peter 5:7